Friday, November 4, 2011

Shake Shack !! Super Yummy~

 قرأت أكثر من مرة عن شيك شاك!
وسمعت عنه كثير، ولكني كنت اتحراه في دبي مول
عشان جيه ابدا مافكرت اقول بروحه
(في حد غيري يضيع كل ما يسير هناك؟)
الموهيم خبرتني ربيعتي انه موجود في امارات مول
Food Court~ Mall of Emirates 
وفعلا سرت ولقيته هناك
وجان عيوني تستوي قلوب قبل ما اطلب 

طبعا اول ما وقفنا انا ونووون، ماعرفنا شو نطلب! 
اول مره نطلب من عندهم؟ .. قالت لنا اللي تشتغل هناك
If you want you can order or signature burger!
وفعلا هاللي طلبناه

كلت حتى (الثماله) لووول ، 
قريت تعليقات ان البرغر صغير وان في ناس ما يكفيهم وجيه،
ولكن من رايي انه مناسب!
و عقوله ربيعتي اللي دلتني عليه (ليل والله يوم تاكلينه يذووووب)
ما جذبت الساع هههه يذوب جدا كثيرا :)
Any how I really enjoy having dinner with mom and noon!
it was great to know that noon was in MOE at the same time!
although she took her order as take away! .. but it was nice to chat with her

My Opinion: Totally Recommended~


captain khalid said...

Hello , haw are you ?

I also heard about this burger so many times , and i really would like to tested , its look Yuma.. I want to Mall of Emirates times .. but I did not tested , I hope when I will be there to remember to try it!

thanks ,,

have a good day

best of luck .. captain khalid

Ahmed said...

yea i went there once, really enjoyed their burgers. the menu needs to have more variety though.